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With so many preventatives for pets out there, it can get confusing! Charmaine has compiled a handy product guide for us to refer to!
Palliative care comes into place when a disease has progressed, and curing is no longer intended or possible. In providing palliative care, our focus is to improve quality rather than quantity of life.
We do acupuncture but it is a passive activity. If your dog/cat is able to, low-impact exercises will be good for prevention of muscle hypotrophy as well as to build stronger muscles.
Euthanasia is assisted death. It’s an alternative option for animals when pain and suffering is intractable.
Whilst attending to our house call appointments, we sometimes come across patients who may benefit from oxygen therapy.
You may have seen at least one of Our Grandfather Story’s entertaining, educational, and wholesome videos on your social media
Pet nutrition/food is at best confusing, and at worst anxiety-inducing. The plethora of choices and accessible information out there induces guilt in all of us.
Cats are often picky and unpredictable. We have 2 cats--one's a glutton that would gobble up bitter gourd in a heartbeat, the other has to be hand-fed at times.
Unlike a medical appointment, a pet's death is rarely an affair which can be predicted. However, when it does happen to loved ones, it is good to know your options for the final crossing over the rainbow bridge.
Omega-3 oil is often mentioned as a supplement to be given to improve your dog's skin or joint condition; many vets suggest it and research does support this.
One year ago, we started our little business. We named it VetMobile, inspired by Batmobile, despite not having a vehicle. In this one year, we met many amazing beings (both human and animals).
Heartworm is a blood-borne parasite. It is not zoonotic and will not pass to humans.
Do I need to vaccinate my dog every year? The short answer to the question above is: YES you should vaccinate your dog every year!
Just like a human first aid kit, the purpose of your first aid kit is to apply first aid in an emergency. It is worth keeping in mind the three P’s.
Just like us humans, age-related changes to the brain are unavoidable. Their senses may start to lose their abilities, and may be unable to see and hear as well as before.

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